A friend

Today I’m going to talk about my friend Valeria. We met in 2003 when she arrived for first time in my school. We were six years old. We have always been best friends and I feel her as if she was my sister. She is a very good person, loyal and friendly. We had a great time together and since we are girls we do everything together. I remember the pajama parties at her home, with movies and lots of pizza and I love her big birthday parties where everybody goes. When we were 14 years old, we became girls’ scouts. It was our best years of adventures and experiences, we have matured and grown together, and we share many moments. We meet at least once a week and We go to parties, see a movie or eat something delicious. Sometimes we have days of spa and relaxation, my favorites. Valeria is a very important person in my life and I thank life for knowing her.


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